Modest Mouse - This Is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About
( Indie  1996 )
Genre :
Année :
Titres :
1 - Dramamine
1 - Tundra/Desert
2 - Breakthrough
2 - Ohio
3 - Custom Concern
3 - Exit Does Not Exist
4 - Might
4 - Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset
5 - Lounge
5 - Make Everyone Happy / Mechanical Birds
6 - Beach Side Property
6 - Space Travel Is Boring
7 - She Ionizes and Atomizes
7 - Edit the Sad Parts
8 - A Manic Depressive Named Laughing Boy
8 - Head South
9 - Dog Paddle
10 - Novocain Stain
Une oeuvre présente dans 0 collection(s).

This Is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About est une oeuvre de MODEST MOUSE. Disque de Indie, cet album est paru en 1996.

Du même groupe: i
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